This article is just for me, but I hope someone might get interested in Japanese rock music and playing rock guitar.
The Blue Hearts
The Blue Hearts is one of the legendary rock bands in Japan in 1980s-90s.
Though its sales was no greater than those of JSW or Unicorn, its simple music style has affected lots of following bands in Japan.
The guitarist Masatoshi Mashima makes rather simple but melodious and lyrical lines. Beginner guitarists can start practicing them with ease, but their beauty also fascinates veterans with profound richness.
’情熱の薔薇’(Rose of passion)
’夢’(My dream)
‘青空’(Blue Sky)
solo part only

’月の爆撃機’(Bomber under the moon)
’千のバイオリン’(A thousand of violins)
Jun Sky Walker(s) (JSW)
Jun Sky Walker(s) is also one of the most major rock bands in Japan in 1980s-90s.
Its style is rather pop and became most successful band around 1990.
’すてきな夜空’(Glorious night sky)
solo part only

’歩いていこう’(Let’s go on foot)
L’arc en Ciel
L’arc en Ciel is world-famous Japanese visual rock band. Mixed with its visual image, its unparalleled music style has become influential all over the world, especially in Asian countries.
Its guitarist Ken plays rather technical and elaborate lines, so it would be difficult for beginners to copy them completely, but every player can enjoy his unique guitar style.
For beginners
These well-known 2 songs are recommended for learning basic rock guitar solo.
They are very simple, but contain a set of requisite skills for playing rock guitar.
Don’t look back in anger (Oasis)
Let it be (The Beatles)
solo part
